WARNING | Deer are giving birth right now
Fawns are born about 6 months after mating, in late May-early June. Yearling does usually give birth to one fawn. Older does will usually breed twins and sometimes triplets.
The Deer are our community's official residents, and many have been here for years raising their families. Most are very friendly; however, during the season of “twiterpation” happening NOW, it is essential to give them their space as mothers bring their young into the world.
Please keep a close eye on your animals during this month in particular. Mama deer ARE GIVING SPAWNING AND will be EXTRA protective of their young. we do not want the mothers, fawns, or dogs getting hurt.
During this time we all want to be outside and those with dogs are getting out more and more. Please keep a close eye on your animals during this month in particular. Mama deer are giving birth right now and will be extra protective of their young. We do not want the mothers, fawns, or dogs getting hurt. Please keep your animals in eyesight as you traverse Whispering Pines right now to ensure safety!!